Archive | America


Mail from Ushuaia

Hey! What’s up? I’m writing from the southernmost city of the planet, Ushuaia. This is the horizon towards where I started pedalling three and a half years ago, when I set off from Alaska after having having ridden all Eurasia from West to East. It looks, then, that I’m done with the second stage of […]

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Through the Atacama Desert

When I arrived in Chile I decided to move away from the cold and high roads of the Andes and pedal along the desert fort a while. Once in San Pedro de Atacama, I started following the Pan-American highway towards the city of Calama, once the capital of the saltpetre mines and now the capital of the copper ones. After stocking up […]

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Across the Salar de Uyuni

Next to our incursion into Los Yungas region we returned to the Altiplano. In the town of Oruro we stopped two days to plan (with the help of a very useful PDF and the website Andes by Bike) the section of Bolivia that made me more excited: the Salar de Uyuni and the department of Potosí. After Santiago de Huari we arrived […]

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Captura de pantalla 2017-06-05 a les 15.44.17

Mail from Bolivia

Ei! Com va això? Jo ja paro per San Pedro de Atacama, on aprofito la calor del desert per recuperar-me de tres mesos força intensos… A pocs quilòmetres de deixar el Perú i els seus suplicis, ja vaig notar alguna de les millores que m’esperaven a Bolívia. Per exemple: pedalant cap a la frontera, alguns dels camions […]

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From Ayacucho to Lake Titicaca

After spending New Year’s Eve in Ayacucho as planned, we decided to start 2017 with an improvisation: instead of continuing following the Andes, we would make a detour to the jungly region og VRAEM, a part of the country that still suffers from the consequences of the armed conflict between the Peruvian state and the Shining Path.   Malgrat les […]

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The Huayhuash and the Central Sierra

From Huaraz to Ayacucho I followed a part of the so-called Peru’s Great Divide that I found in Andes by Bike. Compared to the dimension of Peru it was not a very long stretch (a little more than 1,000 kilometres), but the  the rainy season, the mud, the thin air and the accumulated efforts made me sweat for five whole weeks… […]

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Del Cañón del Pato a Huaraz -thumb

El Cañón del Pato and Huaraz

El Cañón del Pato is a 150 kilometres long gorge that divides the Cordillera Blanca and the Cordillera Negra in two different ranges. The small road that goes from the coast up to the Andes is a very twisty one that climbs and hinges amongst the rocks until it becomes clustered by two huge walls that are separated by only twelve meters…         […]

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Captura de pantalla 2017-06-01 a les 18.01.20

The Northern Coast of Peru

The first weeks pedalling through the north of Peru were quite relaxed. Between Tumbes and Trujillo we rode 900 kilometres passing through several fishing villages and where always stopped to have a ceviche in the market or eat a cheap and abundant meal in a comedor. The stages of those days were basically flat and most of the stretches very well paved. The […]

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Mail from Peru

Hola! Com va això? Jo sóc a Puno, celebrant les festes de la Candelària, abans no fer la darrera etapa pel Perú i entrar finalment a Bolívia. Han passat quatre mesos des que vaig entrar al país i, juntament amb la meva nova companya de viatge (no t’he presentat la Dominique?) hem pedalat uns 4.500 […]

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