Archive | Africa


Mail from Lesotho

The suffocating heat of the Transkei region made us decide to abandon the coast and head to the old british enclave surrounded by South Africa. Once we reached the town of Underberg, at the foothills of the Drakensberg range, we started pedalling through the steep and rocky trail that led us to the top of the iconic Sani Pass, one of the highest […]

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Mail from South Africa

TO BE TRANSLATED… SORRY. Ep, com anem?   Quant de temps, eh… Espero que tot bé. Jo, després d’un llarg parèntesi laboral i familiar, al gener vaig encetar la tercera i última etapa de la volta al món. Em va costar una mica tonrar-me a acotumara la vida en ruta, però després de 3.200 quilòmetres i tres mesos d’hostals […]

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Map of my Trip to Africa

Last January I started a bicycle trip that took me from my home, in Catalonia, to Togo, in West Africa. I spent 9 months on the road and pedalled about 8,000 kilometres through several countries: Morocco,  Western Sahara, Mauritania, Senegal, Gambia, Guinee Conakry, Mali, Burkina Faso, Ghana and Togo. Now that I am already home, I could finally take the time to organise the posts and […]

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