After my frustrated attempt of climbing Mount Huayna Potosí (near La Paz), the South-West of Bolivia offered me the last opportunity to crown my first six thousand meter high peak. The Uturuncu volcano, measuring 6,008 meters high, was only a few kilometres away from my path. It is said to be one of the easiest six […]
Tag Archives | Bolivia
Across the Salar de Uyuni
Next to our incursion into Los Yungas region we returned to the Altiplano. In the town of Oruro we stopped two days to plan (with the help of a very useful PDF and the website Andes by Bike) the section of Bolivia that made me more excited: the Salar de Uyuni and the department of Potosí. After Santiago de Huari we arrived […]
The Death Road (and beyond)
From La Paz we set off for Carretera de los Yungas, sadly known as the Carretera de la Muerte (Death Road) due to the large number of accidents that occurred until 2007, when an alternative route was finally opened. El clima de la regió varia molt entre un extrem i l’altre, però en ambdós cantons de la ruta és […]
Mail from Bolivia
Ei! Com va això? Jo ja paro per San Pedro de Atacama, on aprofito la calor del desert per recuperar-me de tres mesos força intensos… A pocs quilòmetres de deixar el Perú i els seus suplicis, ja vaig notar alguna de les millores que m’esperaven a Bolívia. Per exemple: pedalant cap a la frontera, alguns dels camions […]