In Ibagué I said goodbye to Bernardo and Dean and Dang who went straight to Neiva while I decided to make a detour to Bogotá and visit a Virgin that looked quite familiar to me… From Colombia’s capital I cycled South towards Huila department through very calm and silent roads… Technically, […]
Tag Archives | Colombia
From Antioquia to el Eje Cafetero
I arrived to Colombia through Capurganá and Turbo. After a few weeks riding through the department of Antioquia, I arrived to its capital, Medellín. There, I stopped for a few days at the Casa del Ciclista before I started pedalling towards El Eje Cafetero region. One of the good things of cycling through […]
Mail from Colombia
Hola! Què tal? Jo, a punt de deixar Colòmbia, amb les cames molt carregades però content d’haver arribat als Andes i d’haver recuperat les sensacions de pedalar per alta muntanya. El trajecte amb llanxa des del Panamà va ser una mica accidentat: primer ens vam quedar sense gasolina i després se’ns va trencar el motor. […]