I keep this website because I like writing and taking pictures, but also because I would like to inspire some readers to jump on their bikes and discover the world at their own pace (as it happened reading other blogs).

Whereas in most countries I have visited bicycle touring is a luxury, I come from a place where I had a good education and fortunately never missed anything. My background allows me to work, save money and invest it in what I believe that makes me happy.

Having said that, sometimes some people send me a little amount of money in exchange of all the time I spend maintaining this site or answering their emails asking about bicycle routes, practical advice, gear recommendations… I love to receive them and I love to answer them.

If you too would like to support me, here are some of the things that always come handy while on the road:

  • A coffee. 1.5 € will help me enjoy a some time indoors and maybe upload some content to the web.
  • A shawarma, a burrito, a choripan... 3€ will give me enough energy to pedal 50 km.
  • A pair of tubes. 6 € will fix to flat tires.
  • A chain. 20€ will allow me to buy a new chain (it lasts me about 5.000 km).
  • A hotel night. 25€ will take me to a hotel room when it rains too much to pitch my tent.
  • A pair of tires. 60€ will buy me a pair of Schwalbe tires (and they can last for more than 10.000 km!)

You can send me the money in two different ways:

1) Bank transfer: IBAN és ES87 0081 0900 83 0002299332 – SWFIT/BIC: BSAB ESBB.

2) Paypal (click on ‘donar’):

Whether you decide to support me or not, I hope you enjoy this site.

Thanks for visiting and see you on the road,
